
General Commands

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Vi Commands

vimrc settings

:set number  "Display line number

:set guifont=Ubuntu\ Mono:h16 "Set your font and font-size

:syntax on "Set cyntax highlighting on

:colorscheme desert "Set colorscheme

:set hlsearch "Set highlight search on

:set ruler "Displays column number

:set backspace=indent,eol,start "Ensures normal backspace key usage

command! FormatJson %!python -m json.tool "Json formatting via python

"Mapping very magic mode to /
nnoremap / /\v
:set ignorecase "No case matching

:set smartcase "Only case sensitive when encounters uppercase

:set incsearch "Search as you type

vi commands

G # End Of line

gg # First Line

123G # Go To Line

$ moves to the last character on the line.

0 moves to the start of the line.

g$ goes to the end of the screen line (when a buffer line is wrapped across multiple screen lines)

A to move to the end of the line and switch to editing mode (Append)

q: To access command history

ggVG #Select All

u # Undo

Ctrl + R # Redo

Ctrl-W, Up Arrow # Move between split windows

:cal cursor(1,25) #Moves the cursor to given row and column

:%d  #Delete All lines


: tells vi to go in command mode
% means all the line
d : delete

#For switching tabs in vim terminal

Next tab: g t

Prior tab: g T

Numbered tab: nnn g t

#For basic searching:

/pattern       - search forward for pattern

?pattern       - search backward

n              - repeat forward search

N              - repeat backward

*              - search for word currently under cursor

Ctrl + R + +   -  Ctrl R plus register to copy and search

q/             - To access search history 

#Search and Replace:

:[range]s/search/replace/ e.g.

Search entire file and replace all occurences


Search from line 8 to 10 file and replace all occurences

:8,10 s/search/replace/g 

#Search And List All Occurences (The grep tool was named after this command sequence)



#Copy To Clipboard

You should yank the text to the * or + registers:

gg "*y G


    gets the cursor to the first character of the file
    Starts a yank command to the register * from the first line, until...
    go the end of the file



to yank all lines.


% to refer the next command to work on all the lines
y to yank those lines
+ to copy to the system clipboard


:redir @+
" any other commands
:redir END

#Set Paging

:set more

Inserts text from a specified file into the current buffer

:r textfile

You can also read in the output of shell applications

:r ! ls -1 /home/user/directory

#Diff between two files

:vs otherfile (open otherfile in vertical split screen)

:diffthis (turn on diff mode in original file)

Ctrl+w l/h  (swap to newly opened file)

:diffthis (turn on diff mode in opened file)

Turn off diff

:diffoff in each pane

:diffget to merge 


#Windows explorer for vim


#Remote editing of files

:e scp://

#Diff and Merging

]c – Jump to the next difference
[c – Jump to the previous difference
do – Copy the current difference’s text from the file on the right to the file on the left
dp – Copy the current difference’s text from the file on the left to the file on the right.

Git Commands

git config –global “My name is…”

git config –global

git config “My name for this project is…” on your local project folder.

git config on your local project folder.

For editing

git config –global -e

git config -e (to edit local config)

git config -l

git branch #Shows what branch you are on

git checkout -b dev_new # Creates a new branch

git remote rename origin new_origin

git remote add upstream url

git log –follow filename # Shows commit only for that specific file

#Not clear git push -u origin dev_new

git push –set-upstream origin dev_ankit

Homebrew Commands

ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL “” # Installs HomeBrew

brew cask # Installs Cask if it’s not there otherwise shows all commands

brew cask install app-name

brew cask uninstall app-name

brew cask search app-name

brew cask cleanup